Sunday, 5 May 2013

MY biRThDAy bASH !!!

Tanggal 26 April 2013..
da berlalu pun tarikh uh..
but there was a special moments yang berlaku~
a miracle .. <3
sumting that i dream.. but neve tot it will be a reality !!!!


aku admit.. ada banya lagi muke yang hodoh2 :D
hahahah ! 
but this.. hodoh laa~ tp, membawa seribu makna..
there s a story behind evry pitca,, :)
n ni adalaa muke...
terkejut + terharu + eksaited n banyak lagiiii heee
even aku sendiri xtaw apa perasaan aku on that time.. hee

tengok gamba ni.. aku dapat konklusi yang.....
pelakon uh sume menipuuu~ hahahaha
kalau terkejut,,, kompem xley kawal mimik muke.. hee :P
*xmaw ngaku hodoh plak uh.. huk2 

its my birthday cake...
sedap !!!! fev cake dekat SR
taw taw aje... hahahahaha

biasalaaa~ kalau da ada kek on birthday celeb.. apa laagi !!!!

hahahahhaha ! he started it first.. -_-

xlupa jugak.. hari bersejarah ni... aku share dengan abg kembar aku.. huahuahua
abang long tai... :D
HB otai~~~
<3 <3 <3

so.. tok kesempatan ni... 
aku maw ucap an . berjuta jutaaaa jutaaa terima kasih at kawan2 semua..
especially the mastermind...
n my EX-RUMATE...
maw stay kat bilik aku konon !
hak2 :D neway~ soo sweet laa sebab lepas uh bilik aku bau AYAM GORENG!! 

celebration yang dihadiri kawan2 aku.. kawan2 paiz...
BUT ..
almost apa yang aku impikan ada malam uh.. <3
sebab uh laa aku terharuu sangat.. hek2

credited to faaizsukaa~
konon kol aku...
mintak tolong buat kerja BI ye...
URGENT kata nya.. hahhaha
YOU did a REALLY Good Job Dear~
best Actor ever !! hak2

i tot my 20s will be a day that ive waited soo much..
but then i dissapointed... coz... its DULL..
tapi tapi tapi..
aku mensyukuri semua yang ada...
as long as aku still ada peluang tok bernafas dan menjalani hidup dengan baik..
n mencipta lebih banyak kenangan dengan mereka yang tersayang~ 

and now...
I am 21......
i just hope life will be much better when i understand what life is all about ~
n i will be more strong to go through all the obstacles..
the reality.. pure evil..
the tough situations...
 sumhow.. i believe.. that LIFE will teach me to be wise... 



AND here i am !!!!
its been a looongg loonngg time i havent share my memories in here..
really?? That long?! hahahaha

ok ! here is my first story.. i guess..
this is what came out from my mind.. 
first in the list :D

tanggal 20 April 2013..
as an athlete dekat UTM Skudai..
honestly... yg xberapa menyerlah laa~ hak2 :P
aku dapat this chance by only paid RM5..
dapat m=dinner dekat The Zone Regency Hotel...

taken by : mira filzah

semua atlet UTM bersidang.. eh ! berDINNER dekat sini laa~ hahahha
seing all of my AMAZING frenz dapat anugerah..
n pencalanon as atlet harapan..
bla bla bla..
im not that good.. 
BUT !!!
guess what.... i got an award too~

ni je laa yang mampu... hak2
penghargaan dari The Zone Regency Hotel..
for the Queen n the King of d NYte... <3

ok ! at least i went there for something..
unexpected.. <3

n this. the pitcA OF k&q OF D NYTE...

credited to faaizsukaa

pergi sana pun dengan these heroes n angels <3
sedey jugak xsemua yg dapat join -_-
sumhow.. we had a great nyte there together :D

these are my sweet classmate <3

the girlsssss :D
owww oww .. yang kecik 2 orang tengah2 blakang aku uh.. SUKE bergosip !! hahaha
ILoveThem tho...

n thats all for the great2 nyte... these are some pitca that i guess.. a BEST shot from my frenssss :D

with the HockeyMates.. <3

credited to Faaizsukaa~

credited to SarahMohtar :D

time passed by..
but memories remain..
memory wont fade away~ 
