Wednesday, 28 March 2012

TeleCommuniCation AnD MulTimeDIa: NeTWork TopOloGy

macam awal plak kan update blog kali ni.. hee
yelaa~ yg lepas ny terlaluuu lambat plak... ad mase on9 ni.. ak update awl2..
antara rizen laen lak... sebab..
dis week ak absent! 
so with the help of my beloved frenz.. dorang laa yg bg input sikit2.. :)
thnx guyz! ded s what are frenz for..

soo. dis week... 
still dalam chapter 4.. tp pasal network topology
a.k.a network structures.... :)
network topology ni indicates how a network is design or lay out
and die ada both physical level and logical level

4 main type of network structure
bus network structure
terdiri daripada continuos length of cable that connects TWO or MORE device together
BUS = backbone network
only ONE computer can transfer info at a time
The INFO moves through the entire length of a cable
each END of the cable must have a
device that absorbs the signals transmitted on a network cable
prevents signals from being bounced back along the cable and causing interference...
advantages of using this type of network is
~ simple
~each computer is connected to a single length of cable
~often connected to a small area (office)

disadvantages pn ada jugak which is
~expansion is exisiting can be difficult ! > cable must be broken to extend the cable and attach to the additional computer
~thus, other computer cannot exchange info
~if the computer is MALFUNCTIONING and causing problem on the cable > entire network will be infected !
~expensive ! most use a single piece of copper cable to connect its computers together

star network structure
most common type of network

terdiri daripada computer individu yg bersambung pada central point on the network = HUB
currently connectd to 4, 8 or 16 computers
length between computers cable and hub must be LESS than 100m

advantages die plak..?
~easy as long as there is a FREE port on the HUB
~no need to shut down when adding another computers
~when error occured, other computers not affected !

still ad disadvantage ! which are
~hub fails = information can no longer transfer from one computer to another
~the COST is more implement than other types of network
~LARGE amount of cable is used because computer on the network must be independently connected to the hub

ring network structure
consist of individual computers connected to a single length of cable arranged in a RING

travels in ONE direction only
information in transfer located next to it
if it is not adress to the computer.then info will send to the next computer and so on
there is no beginning and end 

Advantages of Ring Topology 
~   This type of network topology is very organized. Each node gets to send the data when it receives an   empty token. This helps to reduces chances of collision. Also in ring topology all the traffic flows in only one  direction at very high speed.
~   Even when the load on the network increases, its performance is better than that of Bus topology.
~  There is no need for network server to control the connectivity between workstations.
~   Additional components do not affect the performance of network.
~  Each computer has equal access to resources.

Disadvantages of Ring Topology
Each packet of data must pass through all the computers between source and destination. This makes it slower than Star topology.
~  If one workstation or port goes down, the entire network gets affected.
~   Network is highly dependent on the wire which connects different components. 
~  MAU’s and network cards are expensive as compared to Ethernet cards and hubs. 

tree network sructure

used a MIXTURE of many different kings of network structure

sooo.. ni laa yang rakan2 ak blaja dis week.. 
walaupun xdtg kelas.. nsyalah laa same2 kte study ye..
buku ada.. internet ada,.. xd  alasan kita xmaw belajar.. :)

lots of love,

Monday, 26 March 2012

teLecommUnicTion anD NetwoRkinG: InTro To NetWorKing

olla guyzzz~
perasan x.. post kali ni agak kelewatan... hm..
ak plak kesibukan disini.. hee..
almaklum laa~ sibuk dengan segala paperwork dan persediaan tok game UniMAp lepas... :D
ni kira ak da balik JB ! back to work laa maksud nyer.. huuuu
so. ak pun da lame xsabar2 nak mencurahkan ilmu yg ak dapat last week !

to be honest.. ak xberapa nak fokus dalam kelas kali ni.
sebab.. ak terpaksa setel kan satu tugasan subjek sebelum nya.. sbb due date kan petang isnin uh..
tp still ak bg komitmen dalam kelas.. 
and ap yg ak akan curah an kat dalam ni adalah sebahagian yg ak dapat dalam kelas last week.. :/
still ad input tok dikongsikan ! nasib baek.. heheh

xkenal maka xcinta...
so. b4 ak start story mory pasal chapter 4 ni.. 
JOM kite berkenalan dgn NETWORKING.. :D
its a collection of connected intelligent computing device
dalam duia komputer, networking melibatkan antara dua atau lebih alat teknologi untuk tujuan berkongsi maklumat..
p/s: komputer di hasilkan daripada gabungan hardware n computer software

OK ! maybe ada yg da taw jenis2 networks yg ada kat dalam dunia ni..:P
tp ak akan list kan jugak network yg sering kita dengari (skema gak ayat ak..huu) :D
1. Local-Area Networks (LANs)
2. Wide-Area Networks (WANs)
3. Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs)
4. Personal Area Networks (PANs)

ada 5 kategori network components which is....
1.terminals, workstation, computers and other devices (end nodes)
2.transmission media (for transmit data and control signals) electronics (inermediate devices for routing data from source to destination) to control data tarnsmission architecture standards (standards to enable devices made by different companies to work / communicate with each other )
NOTE: nak dapatkan lebih lanjut tentang setiap komponen..bole laa refers pada rujukan2 lain ye.. :)

penggunaan rangkaian(networking) ni bole kite bahagikan kepada....
syarikat dan individu...
so.. lets look on a COMPANY...
~resource sharing tanpa mengira tempat dan jarak asalkan lokasi dirangkaikan
~accesible anytime
~high reliabilty
~scalability > scales up and provide services to more users
~manageability > allows remote sources to be managed
~cost effective

what about an INDIVIDUAL??!
~databese access > banking, online shopping and etc
~berkomunikasi antara rakan2 > email, televedio and etc
~interactive entertainment > multimedia games and etc

ni tok tambahan ilmu~ huu
twisted pair wire??
jenis pendawaian di mana dua konduktor (ke hadapan dan konduktor pulangan litar satu)dipintal bersama untuk tujuan membatalkan gangguan elektromagnet (EMI) dari sumber luar 

AM vs FM radio??
FM bermaksud "frekuensi modulasi" dan PM berdiri untuk "pemodulatan amplitud," jadi ia tidak sukar untuk memahami bahawa perbezaan itu adalah berdasarkan pada caragelombang radio memodulatkan, atau turun naik. 

infrared vs bluetooth??
Inframerah adalah sistem komunikasi yang berdasarkan cahaya inframerah digunakan untuk jarak dekat garis penglihatan atau aplikasi komunikasi titik-ke-titik manakalaBluetooth adalah kos rendahkuasa rendahteknologi radio jarak dekat asalnyadibangunkan sebagai pengganti kabel untuk menyambungkan pelbagai perantisepertitelefon mudah alih, alat dengar, PDA dan komputer guys.. ni je laa yg dapat ak share tok last week.. take care! lots of love,sugaramour

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

TelEcommUNicaTIon anD NEtworKinG: Data CommUNication

olla~ bertemu lagi kite minggu ni pada hari dan mase yg berbeza dengan  topik yang seterus nya! :D
xsangke an.. ase cam baru seminggu lepas balik U ni.. skang da minggu ke 3..
means.. da msuk chapter 3 dalam subjek ni. :P

so.. b4 ak terus kan mengajar. ececcece ! :O
ak nk cter ap yg berlaku dlm kelas.. xsronok kan klu ckgu masuk trus2 mengajar.. *boring ! (tgn di dada mata ke atas) :P

ok! dis is what happened dis week..
almaklumlaa~ kelas pg xda kan.. so.. semua pn melajak kan waktu tidur masing2...:D
mmg nyenyak tdo pepagi kan.. suda laa sejuk.. KDOJ ngn KDSE pn dikelilingi hutan2 belantara.. HAHA
soo.. nak dijadikan cerita.. mmg ramai yg datang lewat..
xbole nk list name.. kre nasib ak baek laa ak dtg awal..semngat an nk belaja! hauhaa
dr. dayang maybe kecewa dgn ktorang.. tp die still bersabar... so nice! :)
tambah lagi dengan cheating attendance!
next tyme.. kami xbuat lagi ye! nsyalah~
same2 kite amek iktibar..
kalau kita nak belajar..kita yg patut nya dtg kat pengajar uh.. bukan pengajar dtg kite.. :)

now ! baru laa nk belajar! hehe..
topik kali ni.. kita tekan kan pada 4 perkara... which is...
1. define data communication terminology
2. detail the type of signal transmit through commucation medium
3. describe the data transmission mode
4. demonstrate how network performance calculated

what is data communication??
well~ it is ery simply , the collection and distribution of the electronic representation of information from and to remote facilities by means of electrical transmission systems such as telephone lines, satellites or coaxial cable.
these info can appear in a variety formats: data , text, voice, still pitcures, graphics and video !
*the raw of information must be digested....

Type of signal transmit ???
a) analogue signal
formed by continuos varying voltage levels that create a wave that can be grasped by an analogue trans like mic
measured in Hertz (Hz)
sine wave
process: demodelation

b) digital signal
calculated 1 (on) and 0 (off)
square wave
understand by a computer
process: modulation

*change process: MoDem

Binary Digit (Bit) 0 and 1
1 bit = 8 bytes

Data Trans MOde ??
Parallel Trans: group of bits is transmitted simultaneously by using separate line for each bit.
Serial trans: transmit all the bits one after another on a single line.
* serial is slower than parallel..

serial trans
- synchronous trans
large group of data is transmitted in blocks called a frame 
e.g blog
- asynchronous trans
is used when the bits are divided into a small groups (bytes) and sent independently.
e.g email (the receiver never knows when the data will arrive)

lets look about Data Flow... :)
ada 3 ways...
1. simplex
- data or info is trasmitted in ONE direction only
- the role or transmitter and the receiver are FIXED
e.g T.V
2. half - duplex
- message can flow in TWO directions BUT never on d same tyme..
e.g walkie-talkie
3. full duplex
- both station can transmit and receive simultaneously
e.g handphone

owww! Multiplexing??
its a technique sending data using variety of devices
e.g broadband

ok now end of topics! HEHE
next tyme kita sambung g belajar.. n to remind u guys..
same2 laa kita jage hati lecturer or guru kita.. 
as bakal pendidik.. ak pn xnak terluka ngan sikap pelajar nanti..:)
nsyalah ame2 kita berjaya di mase depan kelak! 
lots of love,

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

TeleCommUnicatIOn n NEtworKing: web BrowSer

hye kalian~ D mulekan hari mu dgn senyuman...:)))
nak tambah ilmu. kita kena ikhlas an hati dan kosongkan fikiran dr perkara2 mengarut. puihhh2!  :P
da ready... jum sambung belajar topik minggu ni ! *wink2

before ak continue dgn web searching a.k.a web browser ni.. ak nk kongsi ngan korang pasal presentation ak minggu ni.. its about....
how to create an email ?!
maybe ada yg xtaw ryte? walaupun da ada acc FB bagai.. hee..
dulu ak pn akq ak yg buat an.. hak2..

so maybe korang boley checkitout!
ak nk buat laa refleksi diri lepas presentation uh.huu..
da lame giler xcakap in eng kan.. so confidence makin low~ haihh!
keadaan sekeliling mmg mengubah seseorang. huk2. :P
tp ders owez a 2nd chance for us to try our best ryte.. :D *think postive
tahniah !
pada rakan2 ak yg laen
nuraisyah ahmad and sarah mohtar

dalam subjek kali ni.. kita akan fokus pada....
web browser????
search tools??
searching technique??

web browser merupakan software yg mengizinkan pengguna (people) membuat dan berinteraksi menggunakan TEXT, IMAGES dan banyak lagi information yg terdapat dalam website...
for examples:
jgn kate korang xtaw apakah gambar di atas ye. :) kalau xtaw pn bole search dlm Internet.. :D
if korang tgk topik yg kite perlu fokus kan at atas td...
search tools adalah alat tok kita search the web...
means if kita ad link n etc. kita bole laa gunakan search tools ni..
contoh die search engines, Subject directories, Name directories, Meta-searchers, Specialised search Tools and Searchable Database and others.... :)

care korang nak search pulak..(searching tools) haa.. cube follow steps ni..k..
  1. Use subject directories. 
  2.  Use implied and full Boolean logic, phrase searching, truncation, and field searching effectively. Boolean  "operators" such as "AND," "OR," "AND NOT" and sometimes "NEAR." AND requires all terms appear in a record. OR retrieves records with either term. AND NOT excludes terms.
  3. Identify key concepts, synonyms, and variant word forms in your search topic. 
  4. Use phrase (More than one KEYWORD, searched exactly as keyed (all terms required to be in documents, in the order keyed). Enclosing keywords in quotations " "  forms a phrase in Google , and some other search tools.)                                                                                       E.g “educational technology”  / educational technology will give different results
  5. Use key search engines effectively including AltaVista, Google, All the Web/FAST, and HotBot etc… 
  6. Use meta-search engines. 
  7. Use specialty databases when appropriate. 
  8. Social sciences:
  9. Apply search strategies and techniques in a scavenger hunt exercise. 
Actually an... dlm topik ni..
as korang taw laa.. if setuju ngan ak..
kebanyakn orgg yg xminat bidang ni sebab terlampau banyak sgtt istilah2 baru aw~
plus ! it keeps on up to date..
so if korang yg xsuke nk amek taw pasal topik ni.. mmg sgtt pening ngan istilah n name2 software die..hee

so minggu ni.. antara skills yg ak kena taw is
open file: htm, html, jpg, gif, txt
save: graphics ( jpg, gif), file, frame etc
use of buttons: back, forward, refresh, stop

clear history
clear cache: to improve the speed and performance of our browser
clear URL
save/ using bookmark/ favourite
setting default page
multitasking: allow user to perform more than one computer task at a time
downloading~ setting download folder, temp files, plugin (part of web browser)

 soooooo, after korang bace pasal semua ni.. mesti ada yg korang taw n xtaw right... so bole laa cek dalam internet! hee.. :) 
nak xnak..kena laa usaha sendiri.. huu

GUD LUCK kat semua yg berjuang! HAHA
aja aja FigHTing!
lot of love,

Monday, 5 March 2012

TelEcomMuniCation n NetWorkiNg : LeTs LeArnt !

its been a long tyme i havent updated my blog.. HAHA.
almaklum laa~ cita2 nak jadi future PM.. so belajar busy kan diri..
ooppss! bukan busy bosy kayh... :P

blog ini di updated untuk kita same2 belajar tentang telecommunication and networking. 
huu.. harap laa kalian yang bace dapat input yg same.
before that.. ak nak kalian taw sape yg bertaggungjawab menyampaikan ilmu duniawi ni kat ak. huu..
dr. dayang~
1st impression ak tentang die.. die sgtt berkarisma!
suke the way she talks in Eng n how she really into us as a students and human being.. hik2..
terasa nak speaking macam die. *wink2

back to basic :P
ikut kefahaman ak laa an....
telecommunication ni is all about a device of technologies yang digunakan untuk communicate pada jarak yg dekat mahupun jauh... setuju?! 
n ia juga bole dikatakan technologies untuk menghantar maklumat pada jarak yg jao.. HEbat!
hm... nak menguatkan lagi kefahaman ak.. ak bagi laa contoh2 die which is:
radio, televisyen, network

dalam subjek ni.. ada 6 elements of computer and telecommunication technology yg kita patut taw...
kalau korang faham rangkaian ni.. kompem bole ingat! HEHE

people -> procedure -> data/ info -> hardware -> software -> communication -> people

if korang perasan. ak bold kan people ni coz...
people(manusia) yg operate computer ryte? so ni laa MOST important elements! ingat taw~ 
hee.. ak ase ak xlepas laa nk sambung PhD kalau hasil buku ak cenni! hee
neway ak try laa sampaikan ap yg ak dapat at UTM ni.. huu..
aja aja FighTing!

lots of love,