Tuesday, 6 March 2012

TeleCommUnicatIOn n NEtworKing: web BrowSer

hye kalian~ D mulekan hari mu dgn senyuman...:)))
nak tambah ilmu. kita kena ikhlas an hati dan kosongkan fikiran dr perkara2 mengarut. puihhh2!  :P
da ready... jum sambung belajar topik minggu ni ! *wink2

before ak continue dgn web searching a.k.a web browser ni.. ak nk kongsi ngan korang pasal presentation ak minggu ni.. its about....
how to create an email ?!
maybe ada yg xtaw ryte? walaupun da ada acc FB bagai.. hee..
dulu ak pn akq ak yg buat an.. hak2..

so maybe korang boley checkitout!
ak nk buat laa refleksi diri lepas presentation uh.huu..
da lame giler xcakap in eng kan.. so confidence makin low~ haihh!
keadaan sekeliling mmg mengubah seseorang. huk2. :P
tp ders owez a 2nd chance for us to try our best ryte.. :D *think postive
tahniah !
pada rakan2 ak yg laen
nuraisyah ahmad and sarah mohtar

dalam subjek kali ni.. kita akan fokus pada....
web browser????
search tools??
searching technique??

web browser merupakan software yg mengizinkan pengguna (people) membuat dan berinteraksi menggunakan TEXT, IMAGES dan banyak lagi information yg terdapat dalam website...
for examples:
jgn kate korang xtaw apakah gambar di atas ye. :) kalau xtaw pn bole search dlm Internet.. :D
if korang tgk topik yg kite perlu fokus kan at atas td...
search tools adalah alat tok kita search the web...
means if kita ad link yahoo.com n etc. kita bole laa gunakan search tools ni..
contoh die search engines, Subject directories, Name directories, Meta-searchers, Specialised search Tools and Searchable Database and others.... :)

care korang nak search pulak..(searching tools) haa.. cube follow steps ni..k..
  1. Use subject directories. 
  2.  Use implied and full Boolean logic, phrase searching, truncation, and field searching effectively. Boolean  "operators" such as "AND," "OR," "AND NOT" and sometimes "NEAR." AND requires all terms appear in a record. OR retrieves records with either term. AND NOT excludes terms.
  3. Identify key concepts, synonyms, and variant word forms in your search topic. 
  4. Use phrase (More than one KEYWORD, searched exactly as keyed (all terms required to be in documents, in the order keyed). Enclosing keywords in quotations " "  forms a phrase in Google , and some other search tools.)                                                                                       E.g “educational technology”  / educational technology will give different results
  5. Use key search engines effectively including AltaVista, Google, All the Web/FAST, and HotBot etc… 
  6. Use meta-search engines. 
  7. Use specialty databases when appropriate. 
  8. Social sciences: http://www.intute.ac.uk/socialsciences/lost.html
  9. Apply search strategies and techniques in a scavenger hunt exercise. 
Actually an... dlm topik ni..
as korang taw laa.. if setuju ngan ak..
kebanyakn orgg yg xminat bidang ni sebab terlampau banyak sgtt istilah2 baru aw~
plus ! it keeps on up to date..
so if korang yg xsuke nk amek taw pasal topik ni.. mmg sgtt pening ngan istilah n name2 software die..hee

so minggu ni.. antara skills yg ak kena taw is
open file: htm, html, jpg, gif, txt
save: graphics ( jpg, gif), file, frame etc
use of buttons: back, forward, refresh, stop

clear history
clear cache: to improve the speed and performance of our browser
clear URL
save/ using bookmark/ favourite
setting default page
multitasking: allow user to perform more than one computer task at a time
downloading~ setting download folder, temp files, plugin (part of web browser)

 soooooo, after korang bace pasal semua ni.. mesti ada yg korang taw n xtaw right... so bole laa cek dalam internet! hee.. :) 
nak xnak..kena laa usaha sendiri.. huu

GUD LUCK kat semua yg berjuang! HAHA
aja aja FigHTing!
lot of love,


  1. huhuhuhuhu...simple but nice !!i like...huhuhu :)

  2. thanks share mklumt kt aku....so aku lbh tau ngn lbih mndalm sal tpik ni....

  3. hee.. tenkiu guys... havent check u guys punye lagi.. mesti lebih clear kan pasal bnd ni..:D
